Monday, November 9, 2009

Mysteries of LOST: Healing Properties

Previously on LOST: From Day One, we've known that the Island has healing properties. Once crippled, Locke can now walk. The island's cured Jin's infertility and Rose's cancer. But we know that the island is choosy. Sometimes Locke can't walk, and for some reason Ben (who was cured back in 1977) was able to develop a tumor on his spine. Why does this happen?

One of these things is not like the other: Ana Lucia, Ben, Locke, Rose. Lilia guessed Ben, but it turns out that Ana Lucia was the only person NOT healed by the island.

So why the selective healing? We started off divided - Lilia thought Jacob was behind the healing, while Zach suggested that The Nemesis might have a hand in manipulating healings to further his ultimate goal of killing Jacob. Both of these theories have their merits.

Then Lilia dropped a bomb - what if Richard heals people, especially people who will do good for the island? We know that Richard was on hand when Ben was healed as a child, but Ben's policies fell out of favor with the island, we know. And Locke could have been healed because Richard already knew Locke would be a good leader for The Others - Locke told him so himself.

Let's hope the last season doesn't disappoint. Dear Lost: Please use our ideas!

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