Monday, November 2, 2009

Mysteries of LOST: Pregnancy

Previously on LOST: Pregnancy mystery alert! It seems people can't have kids on the island, but this is complicated. If the baby is conceived off-island - like Rousseau's Alex or Claire's Aaron - the baby can be born on-island, no problem. Babies conceived on-island have to be born off-island, or the mother and the baby will die by or within the third trimester; fortunately, Sun had her baby off-island and so survived with Ji Yeon.

One of these things is not like the other: Locke, Rousseau, Horace, Claire. LILIA WON!!! The correct answer is Locke, because he's never had a baby on-island.

So what's the deal with pregnancy? Actually, the show has given us a lot of answers already on this one. We know who can and can't have babies on the island, and we know when. What we don't know is why.

One key character is Amy, Horace's wife. Amy had a baby back in 1977, so obviously people could have babies up until 1977. So what changed? The Incident? Or was it something Jacob's nemesis did? A surprising number of unanswered questions spring up in relation to what seemed initially to be a straightforward and already-answered mystery. It's probably not The Incident, we agreed, but it might be the Nemesis doing something fishy.

We're not wholly confident that this mystery will get answered this final season. With so many other big-ticket storylines to be resolved, pregnancies might fall through the cracks. If this issue's going to come up, it'll have something to do with Jacob's mystery child - who could it be?

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